Monday, 23 August 2021

Portlaw NS return to School 1st September 2021 - Please read all of the info below

Dear Parents/Guardians

As we prepare for the return to school on Wednesday 1st September. Please take a few minutes to review the information outlined below. Most of this information will be familiar to you from last year but it is worth refreshing your memory.

 Do not to send children to school if they are:

§  close contacts of a person with COVID-19

§  are awaiting a test

§  are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

§  if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus


       All children return to school and classes operate within a bubble system – this means each class is a bubble.

       The day will include 1 x 10 min break and 1x 30 min lunch for each pupil as usual.


       From Junior Infants to 6th class the children will sit in pods (groups) of 4 to 6 pupils and hand hygiene and cleaning measures will be followed in-class. Children can mix with their full class once they are outdoors or in a well-ventilated space.

       Hand sanitiser will be available at all entry points and in all classes and support rooms


       Ventilation is a priority with classroom windows and doors being left open whenever possible.



Group 1 below will start and finish school 10 minutes before Group 2. This is to stagger the pupils leaving the school grounds at the end of the school day. Group 1 start first so the youngest do not have to wait in line for an extended period before school.


Group 1

Group 2

9.10 – 1.50pm or 2.50pm

9.20 – 3.00pm


Junior Infants Ms. Donnelly} 1.50pm

Senior Infants Ms. Brennan }1.50pm


1st/ 2nd  Class Ms. Canty} 2.50pm

2nd Class Ms. Curtin} 2.50pm

3rd  Class Ms. O’Rourke} 2.50pm

6th Class Mr.O’Shea} 2.50pm

All classes assemble in their class lines in the lower yard before school.

4th Class Ms. Doris

4th Class Ms. O’Dwyer

5th Class Ms. Boylan

5th/6th Class Ms. Keane


All classes assemble in their class lines in the upper yard before school.


Before Arrival at school

       Please make sure your child’s hands are thoroughly washed each morning before leaving the house.

       Teachers are aware for the importance of good hand hygiene for all. They will ensure the regular cleaning of hands or use of sanitizer.

Arrival at school

       We operate a drop and go arrival policy. Ideally parents will leave their children at the school gate each morning. At the start of the year this may not be possible for infants so parents can walk their child to their line and then leave the school grounds immediately.

       The school yard is supervised from 9.00 am and we are asking that children not be in the yard before this time.

       Each pupil should aim to arrive at the school as close to their start time as possible and go straight to their dedicated class line. Pupils can no longer congregate and mix together before school so we are asking parents to not have them in the yard too early.

       Siblings from Group 2 above can enter the school grounds at the same time as pupils from Group 1 but they must go to their class line immediately.

       Each class should line up at their designated point with social distancing observed.

       The class teacher will invite the children to enter the building via their designated entrance point at the appropriate time.

       No adults, other than staff members, should enter the building.

       Messages for teachers can be sent by email to, by phoning the school office 051 387545, in the journal or in a way communicated to you by the class teacher.

Wet Mornings

       The school will open at 9.00am on wet mornings and children will go directly to their classes where they will be supervised by staff. Parents should not enter the school building.


End of School Day

       Junior and Senior Infants @1.50pm


      Parents/Guardians are invited to line up along the avenue on the markers. Junior infants nearest the bike sheds and senior infants nearest the school building.


       1st to 6th class parents wait outside the school wall and teachers will leave their classes go at the bell. Parents are asked to use their own judgement and discretion when it comes to social distancing at collection time and the wearing of face masks.



      Ms. O’Rourke’s class will leave via their emergency entry/exit and must proceed down the main school steps.

      Ms. Canty’s class will leave via the infant gate

      Ms. Curtin’s will leave via their fire escape and go out the exit at the wheelchair ramp of the upper school.

      Ms. O’Shea’s will leave via the infant gate.



      Ms. Keane’s must leave via their ramp, walk across the front of the main school building and out the main school entry/exit gate.

      Ms. Doris’ class will leave via the fire exit and walk around the GP hall before leaving via the wheelchair ramp exit.

      Ms. Boylan’s and Ms. O’Dwyer’s will be staggered leaving the upper building.


Any child leaving via Talbot Tce must inform their teacher and will leave their classroom last each day.


Pedestrian Zone

The bollards to create the pedestrian zone will now be in place from 9.00am to 9.25am and 2.45pm to 3.10pm


Collection of Children during the School Day

If an adult has to collect a child during the course of the school day, the following arrangements will apply

       When the adult arrives at the school, they should either phone the office (051 387454) or use the intercom at the front door of the school to alert the office that they have arrived. No non-member of staff may enter the school or call to a child’s classroom directly.

       The child will be brought from their class to the adult by a member of staff

       The adult who is collecting will be asked to sign the child out

       No adult should enter the school building, unless invited to do so


Reminders for Parents:

o   Do not congregate at or near school during drop off and collection times

o   Communication with the school must take place by phone or online

o   School policy in relation to children with symptoms of COVID-19.  Do not to send children to school if they are:

§  close contacts of a person with COVID-19

§  are awaiting a test

§  are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

§  if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus

§  if they have travelled outside of Ireland (see latest Govt. advice – click here

 Information for you if your child is a close contact of a confirmed case of Covid 19 Click Here

o   Video for parents of children in Junior Infants  -

o   Video for parents of children Senior Infants – RII -

o   Video for parents of children RIII – RVI -

We look forward to welcoming everyone back on the 1st.
Brian Barron

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