Monday, 31 May 2021

School Readiness Survey 2021

 Dear Parents,

Starting school is a major step in your child’s life. Children develop skills at different rates so deciding when they are ready to take this step can be a difficult decision as a parent. By making sure your child has developed the skills needed for life in primary school before they start, you will be setting your child up for success. Parents of younger children (those turning 4 from April onwards approx.) should carefully observe their child’s development in these following areas and consider waiting until the next academic year before starting school if he/she is not quite ready. The benefits of waiting until the child is ready can be seen throughout their school years.

 Consider the following areas of your child’s development. If you have a lot of No answers then feel free to give us a call or chat to us June 11th.


My child:






Is generally happy when not hungry or tired



Can calm self down when upset



Can sort out small arguments with friends/siblings on their own



Separates easily from parents



Can pay attention and is not easily distracted



Can accept guidance or correction from adults



Is interested in learning new things



Can sit with a group of children at story time and can listen, ask and answer questions



Finishes activities most of the time



Can make decisions and solve problems by themselves






Enjoys playing in small groups



Asks other children to play with them



Is interested in exploring new places, such as a new playground or friend’s house



Is aware of danger – dangerous places to play and dangerous behaviour



Can play with one toy or game for 15 minutes



Can take turns in a game and share toys






Can remember and follow instructions



Can retell a story or about an event that has occurred



Listens to and enjoys stories



Can talk clearly in full sentences



Can ask for help and ask questions






Can balance to catch a ball or when bumped into



Only leans on furniture, walls or people and sits slumped over when tired



Can colour pictures and copy simple shapes



Can sit properly in a chair for 10 minutes



Can confidently run, skip, jump, throw and catch a ball



Use a pencil and scissors correctly






Can use a knife and fork at dinner time



Can cope with changes to routine



Can put on clothes and use toilet without help



Wakes up rested and ready for a new day



Can recognise and look after their own belongings




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