Monday, 31 May 2021

School Readiness Survey 2021

 Dear Parents,

Starting school is a major step in your child’s life. Children develop skills at different rates so deciding when they are ready to take this step can be a difficult decision as a parent. By making sure your child has developed the skills needed for life in primary school before they start, you will be setting your child up for success. Parents of younger children (those turning 4 from April onwards approx.) should carefully observe their child’s development in these following areas and consider waiting until the next academic year before starting school if he/she is not quite ready. The benefits of waiting until the child is ready can be seen throughout their school years.

 Consider the following areas of your child’s development. If you have a lot of No answers then feel free to give us a call or chat to us June 11th.


My child:






Is generally happy when not hungry or tired



Can calm self down when upset



Can sort out small arguments with friends/siblings on their own



Separates easily from parents



Can pay attention and is not easily distracted



Can accept guidance or correction from adults



Is interested in learning new things



Can sit with a group of children at story time and can listen, ask and answer questions



Finishes activities most of the time



Can make decisions and solve problems by themselves






Enjoys playing in small groups



Asks other children to play with them



Is interested in exploring new places, such as a new playground or friend’s house



Is aware of danger – dangerous places to play and dangerous behaviour



Can play with one toy or game for 15 minutes



Can take turns in a game and share toys






Can remember and follow instructions



Can retell a story or about an event that has occurred



Listens to and enjoys stories



Can talk clearly in full sentences



Can ask for help and ask questions






Can balance to catch a ball or when bumped into



Only leans on furniture, walls or people and sits slumped over when tired



Can colour pictures and copy simple shapes



Can sit properly in a chair for 10 minutes



Can confidently run, skip, jump, throw and catch a ball



Use a pencil and scissors correctly






Can use a knife and fork at dinner time



Can cope with changes to routine



Can put on clothes and use toilet without help



Wakes up rested and ready for a new day



Can recognise and look after their own belongings




Thursday, 20 May 2021

Uke Rocks with Music Generation

Well done to our own Maise Nugent, Jamie Butler, Hannah Duggan, Sophie Mae Clune and Emma Doody who took part in Music Generation's Uke Rocks back in March.

Take a look: Uke Rocks

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Summer Holiday Care in Portlaw NS for 2021

 Dear Parents/Guardians,


We are delighted to confirm that we will be providing Summer Holiday Care in Portlaw NS during the summer holidays from: 


  • Monday 28th of June to Friday 13th of August.
  • Please note we will be closed for our annual two-week holidays from Monday 16th August - Friday27th August.


To make a booking please email Sarah at


Prices are as follows:

  • Full Week Monday to Friday 9 am-5 pm: €150
  • Full-day 9am-5pm: €35
  • Half-day 9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pm €25


We also provide the National Childcare Scheme, which provides financial support to help parents to meet the cost of childcare fees.

Please see the below link to the NCS calculator, giving you an idea of how much per hour you could receive per child.


To register your child please click here.


Please book early to avoid disappointment! We are very much looking forward to a great summer, jam-packed with activities and most importantly – fun!



Kind Regards,


Sherpa Kids Portlaw NS

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Confirmation Dates


Parish of Portlaw & Ballyduff

Co. Waterford


Fr. Richard O’Halloran PP,

Parochial House,


Co. Waterford.


May 11th 2021


Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

I hope that this letter finds you and your families well in these extraordinary and difficult times. The last year has proven challenging but as a community and society we have risen to the challenges and have shown our best in many ways. The promised light at the end of the tunnel is increasing in brightness and long may that continue.

At a recent meeting of diocesan clergy, it has been decided that the Sacraments of Confirmation and Communion will not be celebrated in any Parish within the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore until the month of July, Government and Health Guidelines permitting.

Therefore, the celebration of Confirmation for the Fifth and Sixth Class pupils of Portlaw Primary School will take place on Thursday July 1st 2021 at 10.00am and 12 Noon and again on Friday July 2nd 2021 at 10.00am. Each child to be confirmed will be allowed two adults to be in attendance with them. For this year, the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated as a Service of Prayer, without Mass. You will be informed by the school about what day and time pertains to your family.

I am very grateful to our Teachers and Principal who have done great work with our young people in preparation for this Sacrament and who will be attending these celebrations during school holidays. Their commitment to their pupils, our families and this Parish is not passing unnoticed or unappreciated.

In preparation for this joyful, religious occasion, I would ask that you join with your Parish community over the next number of weekends at Mass, as we explore and celebrate our faith together. Confirmation is a moment of immersion into the Catholic Faith in a more mature and committed way and has to be seen as such. We look forward to your presence in your community of faith over these next weeks and beyond. Mass is celebrated on Saturdays at 11.30am & 6.00pm and on Sundays at 11.00am. See you there!


May the Lord grant you all good health and strength in these times.

Blessings and Peace.


Fr. Richard O’Halloran PP

First Communion Date


Parish of Portlaw & Ballyduff

Co. Waterford


Fr. Richard O’Halloran PP,

Parochial House,


Co. Waterford.


May 11th 2021


Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

I hope that this letter finds you and your families well in these extraordinary and difficult times. The last year has proven challenging but as a community and society we have risen to the challenges and have shown our best in many ways. The promised light at the end of the tunnel is increasing in brightness and long may that continue.

At a recent meeting of diocesan clergy, it has been decided that the Sacraments of Confirmation and Communion will not be celebrated in any Parish within the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore until the month of July, Government and Health Guidelines permitting.

Therefore, the celebration of First Communion for pupils of Second Class in Portlaw Primary School will take place on Friday, July 9th 2021 at 10.00am. Each child receiving their  Communion will be allowed two adults to be in attendance with them.

I am very grateful to our Teachers and Principal who have done great work with our young people in preparation for this Sacrament and who will be attending these celebrations during school holidays. Their commitment to their pupils, our families and this Parish is not passing unnoticed or unappreciated.

In preparation for this joyful, religious occasion which you wish to participate in, I would ask that you join with your Parish community over the next months at Mass, as we explore and celebrate our faith together. Communion is a beautiful moment where we step closer to Christ by celebrating the gift of the Eucharist, His body, which He left us as a memorial of Him. It is a gift only received at Mass. Obviously, as you join with your child in preparing for this Sacrament, together with them you would attend the very celebration that they are preparing for, to familiarise themselves with the setting and the celebration. We look forward to your presence in your community of faith over the next weeks and beyond. Mass is celebrated on Saturdays at 11.30am & 6.00pm and on Sundays at 11.00am. See you there!


May the Lord grant you all good health and strength in these times.

Blessings and Peace.


Fr. Richard O’Halloran PP


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Summer Care at Portlaw NS - Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians

Sherpa Kids PLNS NS has created a survey regarding Summer Holiday care.

If you require holiday care during the summer, we would appreciate it for you could take the time to complete this survey.

Please click HERE to complete the survey.

Kind Regards,

Sherpa Kids PLNS NS Team

Monday, 10 May 2021

After school and Holiday Care at Portlaw NS

 Dear Parents/ Guardians,


Portlaw NS has teamed up with Sherpa Kids Ireland to provide, After School Care from 2pm to 6pm Monday – Friday and Holiday Care during school holidays from 9am – 5pm.


·        Our After-School programme delivers an innovative approach to school age childcare on site in Portlaw NS. This means that your child is with their peers and in familiar surroundings, giving you the peace of mind that comes with having no pick-up or drop off to worry about during your working day. Your child is our Sherpa Kid and our care for them is guided by 2 main principles which are at the core of everything we do: their safety & their well-being.


·        At Sherpa Kids we understand the total mismatch between the number of holidays your child gets compared to the amount you have as a working parent. So, to support parents, we offer extended holiday time care, we are open 48 weeks of the year, closing for two weeks at Christmas and two weeks in August.


For more information, please email Sarah Jane at or call 083 0895768


To register your child in Sherpa Kids Scoil Portlaw NS please click here



Charlene O’ Toole

General Manager-Head Office Services

Sherpa Kids Ireland

PH: 083-089 7958


Head Office: Mountain Common, Ardfield, Clonakilty, Co.Cork 

Phone: 00353 (0)87 7527229




Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Green School - Sustainable Living with Mr. O'Shea's 6th Class

 Ms. Hally has again created a fantastic experience for our pupils with the Green School programme. This year she is growing the ingredients in school and yesterday 6th class learned how to cook them.

Thanks to Ms. Hally, Mr. O'Shea and the Green School programme for providing us with all the equipment.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Junior Infant Induction Meeting

 Thanks to everyone who attended tonight's meeting on Zoom. Here are some notes.

Class Teacher

 Ms. Donnelly will be the class teacher with Ms. Power and Ms.Doyle as the special education teachers working with the class.

Dates & Times

Friday June 11th we will host an induction for the children in school. We will invite the children in two groups of ten. It will be held after 12pm and we will confirm the exact time closer to the day.

September 1st is the first day in school. Junior Infants start at 10.20am and go home at 12.30pm.

For the first two weeks school starts at 9.10am and finishes at 12.30pm. From the third week we move to the full infant day of 9.10am to 1.50pm.


We send home very few notes. Most communication is done via the Komeer app which you should download and register for Portlaw NS.

The class teacher will use Seesaw for communicating with parents and a link to register will be sent home in September.


Due to covid restrictions we ask parents to walk their child into the yard for the first week and then leave. From week two all children must be left at the gate and walk in to the yard themselves. There will be teachers and SNAs on duty every day from 9am.

If you wish to speak to your class teacher please make an appointment through the office.

Book leasing

A payment link was sent today about book leasing. If you did not receive it please ring the office to get one. It must be paid in full by June 11th for all children.

The Allianz insurance form is available to download from the school website download section.

The school calendar will be published in the coming weeks.

Thank You and see you on June 11th.

Pupil Survey Hot Lunches