Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you and your families are all well and safe. Unfortunately we have found ourselves back in the world of distance learning. These are very challenging times for us all and I ask you to reach out when you need support, as we are here to help you.
Based on the feedback from a survey we carried out of all parents during the last lock down you told us that you were happy with how we ran our on-line learning via Seesaw and you highlighted some areas you would like done differently. For example, we sent home books and resources with all the children before Christmas so that there will be less need for printing of work from Seesaw.
From Monday next 11th January your child's class will be on SeeSaw. Your teacher will guide your child's learning over the coming three weeks and you can communicate directly with each teacher via the Seesaw app.
Each teacher will run their Seesaw class slightly differently based on the needs of the class but we ask that you engage by uploading some work for the teacher to assess and by encouraging your child to complete the tasks as they are laid out. The teacher will happily speak to you about differentiating work if you find it's too hard or easy for your child.
If you have any technical difficulties accessing seesaw or you need a laptop or device to access the app please email asap.
I am asking you to please log on Monday next and engage with your teacher so they know you are logged on and engaged.
If you wish to communicate with me during the lock down I'm on
Hopefully this only lasts for three weeks. We will keep our work under constant review and we benefit from your feedback, so we can cater best for what you need.
I hope you stay well and stay in touch.
Mr. Barron
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