Friday, 26 March 2021

Happy Birthday Ryan

 Ms Hally and Ms. Harney organised a wonderful birthday celebration for Ryan Rochford this week. His friends Layla and Sarah Marie were there to help him celebrate.

Happy Birthday Ryan

Monday, 8 March 2021

Reopening for 3rd to 6th class - Monday 15th March

The DES have decided that schools can fully reopen on Monday March 15th.

For us it means the return of Group 2 - 3rd to 6th class. 

Ms. Doris' 4th class and Mr. O'Shea's 6th class - start at 9.10am and finish at 2.50pm.

Ms. O'Rourke's, Ms. O'Dwyer's, Ms. Boylan's and Ms. Keane's start at 9.20am and finish at 3pm.

Parent's of this group are reminded to;

1) Always wear a face mask and social distance when dropping and collecting.

2) To not enter the school grounds - drop and collect from the gate

3) Please do not congregate at the school gate or playground after school

We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back next Monday.


Mr. Barron

Senior Infants Flower Bugs

 Ms. Brennan's senior infant class have created these fantastic flower bugs in our school garden. Spring has come to Portlaw.

Pupil Survey Hot Lunches