Friday, 26 February 2021

Our Golden Rules for Returning to School

 1) On Monday March 1st, pupils should be brought to their line by one adult. The adult then leaves the school immediately - no exceptions can be made. 

2) On Tuesday all pupils must be left at the school gate and walk into their yard. This applies to pupils entering via Talbot Tce too.

3) All adults should wear masks and social distance when dropping and collecting.

4) If your child is unwell in any way, please keep them at home. If a member of your household has any covid symptoms please keep your child at home. 

We are returning to school in a Level 5 lock-down where we are not permitted to visit our closest family and friends. We need to work together to keep the school open. Each of us is responsible for our own actions in keeping each other safe.

'We live in each others shelter'.

(Our full Response Plan is available to download from the school website).

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Return to School - Jun Infants to 2nd Class - March 1st 2021

 Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you know the government have finally confirmed their plan for schools. We will reopen from Monday 1st March for Jun infants to 2nd class. The school day will run exactly as it did before Christmas. Here's a recap of our Return to School - Covid 19 Response Plan.

If we all follow the rules rigorously, it is our best chance of keeping the school open. 

1) School Day - 

a) Starts at 9.10 am for Jun Infants to 2nd class.

On Monday parents can walk pupils to their lines in the yard. Children must line up and parents must leave the school grounds immediately - no exceptions. All adults are required to wear masks while on school grounds.

From Tuesday morning parents must drop at the school gate. Again we ask you to not congregate around the school and to disperse immediately.

b) School ends at 1.50 for infants and 2.50 for 1st and 2nd class.

Collection points for infants are as before and again we ask adults collecting pupils to socially distance and wear masks at all times.

c) The bollards to create the pedestrian zone will now be in place from 9.00am to 9.25am and 2.45pm to 3.10pm

2) In School - 

a) Each class is an individual bubble which cannot mix with another class. In class we operate individual pods and we do our best to keep the pods 1 meter apart at all times. Hand hygiene is followed rigorously and all staff will be wearing medical grade/surgical masks from Monday.

As before, if you want your child to wear a mask in school they can. Masks are not compulsory for pupils and the wearing of them will not be policed by staff.

Classes will be ventilated by having windows open so if it's cold outside it's likely to be cold inside too.

b) Collection of Children during the School Day
If an adult has to collect a child during the course of the school day, the following arrangements will apply
• When the adult arrives at the school, they should either phone the office (051 387454) or use the intercom at the front door of the school to alert the office that they have arrived. No non-member of staff may enter the school or call to a child’s classroom directly.
• The child will be brought from their class to the adult by a member of staff
• The adult who is collecting will be asked to sign the child out
• No adult should enter the school building, unless invited to do so 

3) Covid Symptoms - 

At this stage we all know the Covid symptoms. Simply put, if your child is unwell in anyway keep them at home. If they have Covid symptoms organise a test.

If someone else in your household has Covid symptoms keep your child at home.

I have to stress that our priority is maintaining the school community's safety in order to keep the school open. We will be sending children home who are unwell in anyway. These rules apply equally to all staff members.

We will continue to do our best to provide a safe school environment for our staff and your children but this is a collaboration. Please be open with us and share any information we need about tests, symptoms etc. We want to keep your school open.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday from 9am.


Mr. Barron and all the staff of Portlaw NS.


Pupil Survey Hot Lunches